My Demented Self

My Demented Self
We're all a litte MAD

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Give Me A Break! Or I'll Break...

I really need a break. I've working my nonexsistant ass off and I'm getting nowhere. People keep telling me 'Oh, you'll be fine' 'you'll get through it' and 'it's no big deal.' BULL FUCKING SHIT!!! I can't get anything done when I've got someone shitting on my every move. It's sucks ass.
I'm writer, okay? Plain and simple. I write stories. I make characters. I create plots and twists and senarios. I'm no mathmatitian! When I make a low grade, I'm alway scowled upon and then told, 'oh, it's okay. You'll do better next time.' And when I do do better the next time, I'm told it's not good enough. What am I supposed to do? Make a 120?! Highly doubtful.
Like I said, I'm a writer. The Woman (because the opresser in my case isn't The Man) tells me that my writing is so good and amazing and that it grabs you on the first sentence, but then she turns around and tells me that what I write is going to get me into a lot of trouble. Do I really care? Maybe I want to get in trouble for telling these things to the world! It'd be good for them in my opinion!
Anyway, that's all I'm going to rant about for now. Maybe next time I'll have some good news. Until then, this is the Neko signing off.

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