My Demented Self

My Demented Self
We're all a litte MAD

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Kill Science!!!

It's official. Science hates me and I hate it too! I just finished the science benchmark and I swear my head hurts worse than it ever has before. I can't stand science. I used to be able to tolerate it, but not anymore. I can't wait until class is over and I can just go eat! I didn't have much of a breakfast....and I'm not a big French toast fan either. Especially when it's the frozen kind that you get from the freezer section in your local Kroger's. Kind of sucks.
Anyway, I'm sitting in Physics right now with a bunch of people around me testing. I'm the second one finished. I swear it looks like Gerbal (my nickname for my Physics teacher) knows that I'm blogging right now. I really don't care. I wonder what he'd say if he found my blog...Probably nothing.
My head still hurnts from all that damn science...I don't like it...I'm trying to get an army together so that we can destroy science all together. Please sign up in the comment box!!! I have an army of evil kitties to back us up!!! Thank you!
Signing off for now,
-The Neko

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