My Demented Self

My Demented Self
We're all a litte MAD

Sunday, March 27, 2011


People like to torture me! It's official! Ky was helping me with math homework, right? And she was making it seem so easy when my poor brain didn't understand what the hell she was talking about. Anyway, she did help and it was only four questions anyway. It really wasn't that bad, but I never understand math. I'm not a number person.

Earlier we were working on our motor for physics and it wouldn't work!!! The dumb wire wouldn't spin...we're going in tomorrow to get help from Gerbal and Lilbit. Fun, huh? Not on my watch. I'd rather be writing in one of my stories. They happen to be a lot more fun than a bunch of physics and number confusion.

That's just me. I have nothing against people who do like it. In fact, I would gladly like those people's help. So, if you're out there...HELP A POOR NEKO UNDERSTAND NUMBERS!!!!

I'm signing off for now, so until then...

-The Neko

1 comment:

  1. Ok, I think I know the problem 2 ur motor. I tried explaining it to Ky and she didn't know wat i was talking about, It's eaither your coil or ur magnet, but i'll show u tomorrow. :) and thank you for reminding me that i have math homework I would have forgotten >.<
