My Demented Self

My Demented Self
We're all a litte MAD

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Lion vs. Snakes

I remember about a year ago, my friend Zo-Zo said she wanted to ask me a question. I said 'sure.' She said:
"You're sitting on your bed and you have to get off. There's a problem though, on each side of your bed there are hundreds of snakes and there's a lion at the end of your bed. Which way do you go?" Without really thinking about it I said 'I'll take my chances with the lion.' Zo-Zo smiled and whispered something in my ear that brought a huge grin to my face.
That question has always been at the back of my mind and I always think about it when I'm making desitions. Do I jump through the snakes? Or do I submit to the lion? If you really think about the representation of these two creatures you can see how it can accually be a hard choice. Going through the snakes can sometimes seem easier than facing the lion.
I'm going to be honest, I didn't think about the representation of the animals before I answered. I thought it was a joke she was going to tell me. The reason I chose the lion was because I've always been a huge fan of large cats. I do like snakes, but I would rather cuddle a lion than have a snake draped around my neck.
What Zo-Zo whispered in my ear is, 'the lion is God, and the snakes are Satan.' I smiled because I hadn't been able to figure that out, and I had chosen the right path before even knowing it.
If you ask this question to someone else and thye choose the snakes, don't condem them. They didn't know what the snake represented. It's just a question, and it does show us the truth in all our lives. We all make mistakes and sometime stray from the path we really need to be on. We all sin. It's human nature. The best we can do is love our friends (sisters and brothers) and family with all we have, even their worst of flaws. We're only human, and we're doing our best. :3

"Religion is flawed, because man is flawed."
~Angels & Demons

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