My Demented Self

My Demented Self
We're all a litte MAD

Sunday, March 27, 2011


People like to torture me! It's official! Ky was helping me with math homework, right? And she was making it seem so easy when my poor brain didn't understand what the hell she was talking about. Anyway, she did help and it was only four questions anyway. It really wasn't that bad, but I never understand math. I'm not a number person.

Earlier we were working on our motor for physics and it wouldn't work!!! The dumb wire wouldn't spin...we're going in tomorrow to get help from Gerbal and Lilbit. Fun, huh? Not on my watch. I'd rather be writing in one of my stories. They happen to be a lot more fun than a bunch of physics and number confusion.

That's just me. I have nothing against people who do like it. In fact, I would gladly like those people's help. So, if you're out there...HELP A POOR NEKO UNDERSTAND NUMBERS!!!!

I'm signing off for now, so until then...

-The Neko

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Kill Science!!!

It's official. Science hates me and I hate it too! I just finished the science benchmark and I swear my head hurts worse than it ever has before. I can't stand science. I used to be able to tolerate it, but not anymore. I can't wait until class is over and I can just go eat! I didn't have much of a breakfast....and I'm not a big French toast fan either. Especially when it's the frozen kind that you get from the freezer section in your local Kroger's. Kind of sucks.
Anyway, I'm sitting in Physics right now with a bunch of people around me testing. I'm the second one finished. I swear it looks like Gerbal (my nickname for my Physics teacher) knows that I'm blogging right now. I really don't care. I wonder what he'd say if he found my blog...Probably nothing.
My head still hurnts from all that damn science...I don't like it...I'm trying to get an army together so that we can destroy science all together. Please sign up in the comment box!!! I have an army of evil kitties to back us up!!! Thank you!
Signing off for now,
-The Neko

Sunday, March 13, 2011

What A Weekend :3

What a weekend...It was amazing! I love riding ATVs! They may be bumpy but it's so worth it! When I rode with Ky she went really fast and it was amazing to feel the wind in my hair and brush pass my cheeks. I couldn't help but grin and laugh the whole time! Even though my booty hurts XD! It was still a lot of fun. We had so much fun!
Ky and I picked up a bunch of cans while we were riding, but not all the time. We went on the trails at Soggy Bottom and she does drive fast but what the hell? That's the best part about it! Speed is the best part of it! I can't wait until the next time we go, if we can. The Soggy Bottom near us is closing up soon...all because they struck oil.
That can get them a lot of money, but so what? The place is amazing! So much wildlife! I can't count how many deer I saw out there. They were so beautiful! We stopped once and saw a couple of them laying down. They weren't even bothered by the ATVs because they were so used to it, plus there's no hunting. Thank God! I was glad I got to see those beautiful creatures so close to us. It was an amazing weekend.
That's all I can really say for now. Well, until next time this is The Neko signign off! Laterz!

Friday, March 11, 2011


WHOOP!!! Today is the last day of school until spring break! After school, it's straight to camping with my friend Ky. We're going to Soggy Bottom to get dirty and muddy from ATVing. It'll be my first time, but it's going to be a lot of fun :3. I'm a bit sad because I won't get to see my boyfriend on his birthday because he'll be in Europe. But it's all good, we'll get to see each other on the next weekend. Me and Ky are going to be a couple of mud cakes by monday XD. Anyway, it's early and I'm a bit tired. I have to turn in Ky's English paper. No, I didn't write hers for her and no, I wasn't able to finish mine. I'm dooooooommeeeed!!! Oh well...I could e-mail it to Dougy (my English teacher). I hope he doesn't mind. I'm going to go ahead and maybe catch a few more Z's before heading to class. Later peoples! Signing off for now, -The Neko

Thursday, March 10, 2011


DAMN IIIIT!!!! This has to be the worst delima I've ever had!!! I can't write an English paper! AND ENGLISH PAPER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm ussually great at writing English papers. But for some reason I just can't write it! I've read the story, Greasy Lake, that I'm supposed to analyze at least three times, been through the articles five times and sat looking at my laptop's cursor blinking at me for three days! I can't stand it anymore!!! The fucking paper is due tomorrow! And I don't know what to write!!!
If that's not the worst of it, The Woman is telling me to reread the fucking thing. I'VE READ IT THREE TIMES!!!! I can't read it again!!! I'll go CRAZY!!! Well...I already am, but still!!! Why can't I just figure this out???
I can't believe I'm saying this but FUCK ENGLISH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't care how awesome my teacher is, I can't do this! It's too much...I can't stand the way this is pressuring me...I really hate it.
I better go before the water works start...Signing off for now.
-The Neko

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Long Day...

Well...Today was one of the longest days of my life. It was a good day, I'll admit. The first thing I did was wake up at my friend, Lilbit's house. I had spent the night because the next morning we were going to church for Ash Wendsday. Yesturday was Mardi Gras, or Fat Tuesday. This morning we woke up at 5:15 A.M. to get ready. It was really cool. I can see the ashes on my head in the reflection on my laptop XD.
Anyway, after church we went to school. We were messing around in my Physics teacher's room until we had to get on the bus to go to the George Bush Library. It was really cool. I liked the gifts that were given to them by the other world leaders. My favorites were the vase that was presented to them by the amabasador of Japan, the bible with mother of pearl, one of the swords and the gun with encrusted diamonds.
After the tour we heard a few A&M professors speak. They were pretty good. After two speakers we ate lunch. Mine was small because on Ash Wendsday you're supposed to fast. Anyway, after lucnh I ended up running into a really close friend of mine from another school; Dezzy. She's still as beautiful as ever! She was all dressed up too! And she looked really good.
After my reunion with Dezzy my school saw another speaker who talked about radiology. He was interesting. I think it was his Russian accent, but the subject was really cool too. After that, we all went outside and borded the bus back school, where I'm sitting now.
I'm actually sitting on the cabnet in the back of my Physics teacher's room listening to One Man Wrecking Machine by Guster. It's been a long day, and this black Neko is a bit sleepy. It was a good day, and all in all a quite satisfying day. No matter how loud my classmates get, they won't be able to spoil my floating mood.
I'll be signing off for now. Until next time,
The Neko

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Give Me A Break! Or I'll Break...

I really need a break. I've working my nonexsistant ass off and I'm getting nowhere. People keep telling me 'Oh, you'll be fine' 'you'll get through it' and 'it's no big deal.' BULL FUCKING SHIT!!! I can't get anything done when I've got someone shitting on my every move. It's sucks ass.
I'm writer, okay? Plain and simple. I write stories. I make characters. I create plots and twists and senarios. I'm no mathmatitian! When I make a low grade, I'm alway scowled upon and then told, 'oh, it's okay. You'll do better next time.' And when I do do better the next time, I'm told it's not good enough. What am I supposed to do? Make a 120?! Highly doubtful.
Like I said, I'm a writer. The Woman (because the opresser in my case isn't The Man) tells me that my writing is so good and amazing and that it grabs you on the first sentence, but then she turns around and tells me that what I write is going to get me into a lot of trouble. Do I really care? Maybe I want to get in trouble for telling these things to the world! It'd be good for them in my opinion!
Anyway, that's all I'm going to rant about for now. Maybe next time I'll have some good news. Until then, this is the Neko signing off.