My Demented Self

My Demented Self
We're all a litte MAD

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Morning Madness

So, I'm sitting here in the library, going out of my mind. I told Rawr that I need a dark hole, and I forgot that he really doesn't get that when I say that, it translates into 'screw the world and let me be alone in peace.' Too bad for him. I don't know what happened to me this morning. I probably woke up on the wrong side of the bed...maybe. 

Other than that, there's really nothing new other than Rawr getting a night job. So he sleeps all day. That's really nothing new, considering he pretty much already did that. Hell, I would too if I didn't have to attend school. 

Speaking of school, I have to read this book called A Brave New World. It's...ugh. I mean, the concept is alright. It's not a book I would pick up and read on my own. It's all about humans being bred in a lab and the caste system and all that bullshit. If you can't tell, I'm not too jazzed about reading it. I'd rather be reading the Song of Ice and Fire series (which is one of the best fantasy series ever and I highly suggest it to anyone who enjoys fantasy novels). 

So, yeah, my morning isn't as good as it usually is and I don't know why. I'm all tense and pissed for no reason other than having to wake up this morning. Kinda sucks. I'm off to be pissed in class. Later.

-The Neko

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