My Demented Self

My Demented Self
We're all a litte MAD

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Killer Headache

So, today was basically like yesturday other than the fact that The Woman begged me to come into the living room to watch some movie with her. I got sick of her pouting and decided I might as well humor her. The light in the room was too bright for me and I ended up with a headache, that I still have. It hurts like hell. It's pounding and everytime I blink it bursts in pain. But I shouldn't be complaining right now.

I've been having a lot of trouble with my inspiration and writing. I guess I'm just out of inspiration. I might find some later, but for the past week or so I've been bled dry it seems. Even when I'm BSing (Brain Storming) with Lilbit I barely have the same enthusiasm as I used to. Ah, well. Once again, I'm complaining.

When complaining, ductape your mouth shut 'cause no one wants to hear it, not even yourself. It's a common fact in life. So, yeah, I have a killer headache because I hate the light. I prefer to be in the Abyss, but this day didn't turn out the way I'd hoped. I guess we're all suckers for bad cercumstances. It's not that much of a surprise, now is it?
-The Neko

P.S. Kick my ass next time I complain. Thanks.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Been A Long Time

I realize that it's been a long time since I last posted. I've been avoiding it because I don't really know what to say. Life sucks, plain and simple. Family sucks, friends abandon, and the only thing that saves me is reading, listening to music and writing. Those are my only outlets and they save my life everyday. I get to escape from the harshness of reality and sink myself neck deep in dark scenarios, twisted characters, and ever flowing words.

Anyway, today I got to stay in The Abyss (my room) for the majority of the day, hiding from sunlight and sipping on my second worse addiction (Dr. Pepper, my first being music). Today was relatively stress free other than a call from Mr. Heroin Man. He got The Woman all riled up. It wasn't very pretty but she calmed down after a minute.

Well after that I crawled back into The Abyss and continued reading and writing with music blasting. Many times The Woman came in and looked at my stereo then at me saying "can you listen to something softer?" as the acid rhythms and pounded bass of some of my bands oozed out of the speakers. I just grinned and said "sure" before popping in Mozart. The Woman would give me 'the look' before leaving the room. Then I'd just change my music back to the acidic tunes I'd been listening to before.

I'm a vindictive little bitch, aren't I?

So, now that you know what I've been doing all day I guess I'm done. A few parting words. When you're beating up an enemy, it's not physical abuse, it's anger management.

-The Neko