My Demented Self

My Demented Self
We're all a litte MAD

Thursday, April 14, 2011

My Response To The J. Crew Incident

Here's the deal. I just read an article on Yahoo about Jenna Lyons, the president and creative director of J. Crew. There was a picture of her with her son in the section titled "Saturday With Jenna." That's not was got all these stiffs riled up however. It was the fact that she was painting her son's toenails neon pink. What's the problem with that? Nothing in my opinion. It happens to be the boy's favorite color. Teenage boys paint their nails black, or other colors! It's really no big deal. But they make a big to-do about it because it's the First Lady's favorite magazine and it promotes "liberal, transgendered identity politics." Whoooo!!! Scary! That's just bullshit. So what if they are?! It would be a good thing! It'd be a good change for those boys who do enjoy painting their nails pink and those girls who like to wear baggy shorts and hang out with the boys. It would be amazing for the homosexual and transgender comunity! Anyway, if any of you want to comment and add on, feel free. Here's the URL for the article: That's all for now. Add on and let me know what you guys think! -The Neko

Friday, April 8, 2011

Need Sleep...

I don't know how many weeks it's been since I've had a good night's sleep. I'm aways at a friend's house studying, doing a project, or on the couch at my boss's. I was able to sleep in my onw bed last night, but it wasn't long enough. I went to bed at around midnight and I had to get up at 6 in the morning. I know that some of you get less sleep than that, but my body is starting to give out. I've been living on dozing sleep for a while. I do sleep good when I go to a friend's, but it's not the same as my own bed. You know what I'm talking about, right? Right now I just want to curl up under my giant comforter, cuddling my stuffed tiger, Sweeney, and sleeeeep! Unfortunately, I can't do that.

Good news is, I'm going to be going to my friend Lilbit's tonight. We have to finish our after-school program project. We're almost finished. Hopefully our third Troublesome Trio member, Mousey, will be there. She saves us when our brains go "pfft."
Tomorrow we have to take the ACTs. It's an alternative to the SATs. No fun what-so-ever.

It's basically a timed test that doesn't even measure your success rate in life. Statistics show that people who fail the SAT are better meant for the world. I hope I fail! That means I'm a genius! Anyway, I'm going to go braindead in about three seconds, so I'll be signing off now!
-The Neko